As you are well aware the POPI act came into effect on the 1st of July which halted all our efforts to post images and videos of our gymnasts on our social media platforms (Facebook / Instagram) as well as the club’s website ( We are now wanting to restart this process but we will only be able to get this in place once we have consent from the parents as well as the gymnasts.
We use our social media platform for parents and prospective parents who wish to gain more information regarding Centurion Gymnastics Club. On the platforms mentioned there will be general information regarding the following:
- Enrolment Forms
- General information
- Newsletters
- Photographs of educational activities (KFMDC – Kids First Movement Development Centre)
- Outdoor activities
- Extra mural activities
- Photos of gymnasts during training and competition sessions
- Videos of gymnasts during training sessions (Weekly Achievments)
- Videos of gymnasts during compettions
We would like all our parents to take part in this initiative and form part of the Centurion Gymnastics Club experience in this way. Centurion Gymnastics Club recognises the need to ensure the welfare and safety of all young people taking part in any activity associated with our organisation and as such will endeavour to take all reasonable precautionary measures within our power to keep such personal information safe and not use it for any means other than communicated above. Permission needs to be gained from the parents for any photos/videos to be used on our social media platform and website.
NB* No photo or video will be posted on the CG Club website or social media platforms without it first being checked by the club’s management.
In the event that you do not agree to photos/videos being put up on our website and social media platforms then the instruction will be communicated to coaches, staff and 3rd party media recruiters. In the event that your child is in the background of a video or photograph then your child’s face will be blotted out.
Please complete the form below: